
Covival is build by the professional team that have working experience with Warner Bros , 20 Century Fox , Amazon and the biggest tech industry leaders.

Community & Referrals

As a community centred game, a growth lever will be the virality generated by early adopters. We encourage k-factor by offering Token referrals to users who bring us new users.

Influencer Marketing

We will partner with YouTube , Twitch , Telegram influencers with massive follow and high profiles considered to be key opinion leaders in their areas of focus. We already know more than 400 Top Key Opinion Leaders in market. Some data of Top Gaming You-Tubers is

  • Mortal - 7.04M Subscribers

  • Two-side Gaming - 10.02M Subscribers

  • Lokesh Gaming - 14.6M Sub

  • Gyan Gaming - 14M Sub

  • AS Gaming - 17M Sub

  • DS Gaming - 12.7M Sub

  • CarryisLive - 10.09M Sub

  • Dynamo - 10M Sub

  • Techno Gamers - 25.5M Sub

  • Total Gaming - 32M Sub

Total Audience - 153.2M People ( Average Unique Sub = 60M )

We will project a mega live stream to all gamers to promote Convival on there channel and will give them grand.

Tech Fest and Hackathons at Colleges

We have a plan to host multiple game fests in college's and organise gaming events at very big universities to make community super stronger.

We will give them rewards in $CVL and will select the top players for convival guild.

Last updated